Ziniu(Michael) Zhang

Hi there!🤗 I am a senior student majoring in Computer Science (Honor College) at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC). My interests span across computer vision and deep learning.

Previously, I was privileged to intern in Data Intelligence Group advised by Prof. Wen Li. I really appreciate my journey as a visiting student in the University of Queensland advised by Prof. Yadan Luo specialized in test-time domain adaptation in 3D detection. Additionally, I spent two unforgettable years in the UESTC ACM-ICPC team.

Currently, I am a research intern in MMLAB@NTU fortunately advised by Prof. Ziwei Liu working on multimodal agents.

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I have a broad interest in computer vision tasks both in 2D pixel and 3D point cloud. Now my research is focused on using vision large language models to reason and make decisions.

I am passionate about using AI technology to make our lives more and more convenient.

MMInA: Benchmarking Multihop Multimodal Internet Agents
Ziniu Zhang*, Shulin Tian*, Liangyu Chen*, Ziwei Liu
(* equal contributions)
Preprint 2024
Project / Paper


- Silver medal in the 47th ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest Asian Reginal (Rank: 48/511)
- Silver medal in the 8th China Collegiate Programming Contest(CCPC).
- Bronze medal in the 7th China Collegiate Programming Contest(CCPC).
- First Prize in the 23rd National Olympic in Informatics in Provinces(NOIP)(Senior group).


- Volunteer in the 10th China Collegiate Programming Contest(CCPC) Final.
- Director of 2022 UESTC ACM-ICPC Training Project in Dynamic Programming.
- Co-organizer of the selection of 2022 UESTC ACM-ICPC university team.
- Member of the technical consulting group of 2021 National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces(NOIP).


- Here is my Chinese blog, it has been considered as my diary.😝

Thanks a lot to Jon Barron!